Our Philosophy
It is PPW philosophy to supply the timber community, being the landowner, pulp mills and saw mills with forest products harvested in an environmentally sound and ethically procured manner. In doing so, utmost concern is taken in staying current with all laws and regulations by continuing education for field personnel and timber harvesters with very little leniency for non-conformists.
The PPW strategy is to combine the talents, leadership skills and contacts made throughout the years by each partner, as well as a superior office staff, informed and conscientious buyers and an environmentally aware logging force and implement all the above. Also taking a three-headed approach to profits and production, the first being to buy timber at a good but not excessive profit by developing our own negotiated landowner base. This will ensure profits.
The second approach is to produce high volume to keep the wood outlets/mills needing our services. This production will not have the high profits per ton as the negotiated, but will guarantee a market. The third is to develop a land base for the next generation of owners.
Palmetto Pulpwood & Timber Co., Inc. (PPW) was formed in January 2001 by David G. Freeman and H. Kevin Davis, whose individual talents, skills and experience for wood procurement are the essential ingredients of what will be the timber company for the 21st Century. PPW is a member of SC Timber Producers Association; American Pulpwood Association; SC Forestry Association; Society of American Foresters; Ducks Unlimited Sponsor; National Wild Turkey Federation Sponsor; SC Waterfowl Association Sponsor; Log-A-Load for Kids Sponsor.